What does 250 mg of Calcium look like?250ml of Milk403g Cottage cheese189g Pak choi250g Spinach240g Leafy greens94g Almonds104g Chestnuts69g Sesame seeds240g Sunflower seeds127g Salmon with bones223g Walnuts 65g sardines with bones keep your teeth and bones healthy. Also, it helps with blood circulation, muscle contractions, nervous system function, and hormone release. But here's the thing: you need magnesium and vitamin D to absorb calcium. So even if you're eating calcium-rich foods, you might not be getting the full benefits if you're low on magnesium or vitamin D. Luckily, spending time in the sun can help boost your vitamin D levels. If you want to make sure you're getting the most out of your calcium intake, try eating fresh foods, getting outside for at least 20 minutes daily, and doing some weight-bearing exercise.