Megaloblastic anemia; Megaloblastic anemias are usually caused bya folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency, but canalso be caused by certain medications or Cancer. 👉Folate deficiencies severe enough tocause anemia may be found inpregnancy, tropical sprue, or infants. 👉Treatment includes supplementation with I mg of folate daily for 2 weeks. 👉After that, 50 to 100 micrograms/dayot folate should be consumed tomaintain functional status. 👉Vitamin B12 deticiency can cause pernicious anemia, which aftects not only red blood cell formation but alsothe GI tract and the nervous system. 👉Vitamin B12 Treatment therefore bypasses oral supplementation and requires micrograms/day of Until adequate injections of 50 to 100levels are achieved.

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